Learning about the Maliyan Experience

The Maliyan Experience is TAFE Western’s six stage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural competence training program for individuals and businesses.

The Maliyan Experience will help you integrate knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in behavioural and business
standards, policies, practices and attitudes — generating better outcomes for all. Cultural competence leads to tailoring services to meet
the social, cultural and linguistic needs of employees and communities.

Benefits include:

  • Increased respect and mutual understanding for others
  • Increased creativity in problem solving through new
  • perspectives, ideas and strategies

  • Increased participation and involvement of all cultural groups
  • Increased trust, cooperation, outcomes and
  • productivity

  • Improved legislative and policy compliance
  • The promotion of inclusion and equality
  • For more information, visit www.maliyanexperience.nsw.edu.au