Employers guide to hiring migrant workers

RDA Orana is making an important contribution to the region’s economy through its skilled migration programs including the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 494) and the Orana Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA).

If a business is unable to find an Australian to fill a position, then sponsoring a migrant worker might be an option for you. We recommend contacting RDA Orana to book an appointment with one of our team who can explain the process and your options. Contact us on 02 6885 1488.

Below are some key points to consider if you choose this pathway for your business.


Visa restrictions

It is important that the employee hired has the correct visa requirements. Before hiring a foreign national, check they have the correct visa for the role.

Business owners can employ or sponsor skilled workers who are already in Australia and have a visa that allows them to work. They may also sponsor skilled workers to come to Australia.

Visa holders who are allowed to work in Australia might have work restrictions on their visas such as:

  • working for a specific employer or in a certain place
  • working for a specific number of hours or length of time

If there are no work restrictions on their visa, you can be confident the person has unlimited rights to work in Australia.

Hire someone only if:

  • their visa has started
  • their visa has not expired or been cancelled
  • the conditions do not say ‘No work’
  • they are allowed to do the kind of work you require

For visa verification, contact the Department of Home Affairs Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) at online.immi.gov.au


Conditions of employment

Both employers and employees need to be clear about the conditions of employment.

The main conditions include:

  • Employers are responsible for nomination
  • Employees must work for their nominating employer
  • The employee’s occupation must be on the relevant skills list
  • The employee needs certified competent English language ability
  • You also need to ensure your employee has a valid work visa for the whole time they work for you.